Check out the Gallery
Days Gone By
"Bits & Pieces"
"Calling it a Day"

 The family story image The family story image The family story image
As we work thru the hoards of stuff from
"Over (5) Decades -- Catalogues & Brochures from Days Gone By"
Many 100's more to be listed

 "Leftovers" -- "Bits & Pieces"

"Calling it a Day"

Connected to the NSW Firearms Task Force 1987 - 88
The Shooters Party 1992 - 1996

Have a browse - you may just find something of ineterst
"After (50) Years as a Licenced Firearms Dealer
"Serving the Hunter Valley Community here in Australia"
"Since 1968"

Payment made only after you know exactly what you are paying for !!!!
Direct to Bank -- Bank details obtained via
email to : dallas.wade@bigpond.com


Having Specialised mainly in Hunting Knives for the last few years

We have a number of "Leftovers - Bits & Pieces"
from our "Family Gun Store" that commenced in 1968

Products Connected to the Aussie Bush
Clothing - Knives - Books - Catalogues Accessories etc.

Nothing available now controlled by the
New South Wales Firearms Registry
We ceased operating as Firearm Dealers in 2018


Josephine worked for the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney at the Cessnock Branch after leaving High School and was in the unique position of wearing a number of Hats – she continued to work at the Bank – whilst raising our first Daughter Kellie along with playing a Major Role in operating the Sports Store -- Dallas worked for the Bank of New South Wales after leaving High School and experienced a number of transfers to other branches where Bank Agencies were conducted at surrounding Townships and varying venues on certain days & times each week. Dallas as the Office Manager oversaw the introduction of Decimal Currency in Australia at Grace Bros of Cessnock on the 14th February 1966.

The Family Stores' experiences with legislative changes to the New South Wales Firearms Laws became an obvious issue in late 1987 -- an issue they could not ignore & the Store became connected firstly to the "NSW Firearms Task Force" set-up in 1987 & then "The Shooters Party"
with "John Tingle" in 1992

Have a browse -- you just may find something of interest

Please accept this Website probably will be forever in the building stage due to issues that are not convenient -- such as age & health -- it is an amateurish attempt to continue to place items leftover from a long association with the Firearms Industry here in New South Wales as they come to light and are listed for anyone interested
"So if you feel the need -- Then please"

An Insight into the
“The Wade Family Store & their Journey -- within the Firearms Fraternity”
1968 -- 2022

The Wade Family Store could never be considered average -- catering very little for the Firearm Club Shooters with stock holding -- whilst always happy to support them when called upon, either financially with a small donation or with trophies, vouchers etc. or at the forefront with stands against proposals by Governments to place restrictions on them.

Whilst involved with the Cessnock District Cricket Association in an administration role for many years -- it was the Bushman that the store mainly supported by stocking most products associated with that discipline of firearms.

There would be many connected to various forms of Shooting Disciplines that would be much more knowledgeable in their chosen fields.

However, the Store's experience gained from being involved with vermin control and providing finely tuned firearms (Tools of Trade) for those following that particular avenue would be widely acknowledged.

The Store was always there for those seeking advice on what would be the latest equipment for assisting the man on the land to eradicate feral animals as well as keeping them up to date on what was taking place on the Legislative front -- there would have been very few Gun Stores that would have been more committed & supportive than the "Wades and their family store" in the township of Cessnock New South Wales. (Referred to as a City today)

As to the information following -- much of which -- many may find boring & have little to no interest -- if that is the outcome you are likely to arrive at -- then with respect may I suggest that you do yourself a favour and read no further -- however on the other hand if you the reader are interested -- to hear a story -- which states the circumstances, timely experiences, facts and thoughts that took place here in this small country Gun Store in the late 1960s -- 1970s -- 1980s into the 1990s and thereafter -- please read on :-

WE HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT KNOWING AS MUCH ABOUT THE PRODUCT & THE PEOPLE ONE IS DEALING WITH BEFORE PARTING WITH ONE'S MONEY AT A WEBSITE CHECK - OUT IS ESSENTIAL -- Please feel free to ask whatever you would like to know via email -- that way all information is detailed. EMAIL: 

  • All enquires will be answered & treated respectfully.
  • Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and the overall cost of items plus shipping/postage will be notified in the form of a proforma quote.
  • Delays in acknowledging an order or an enquiry maybe experienced due to health issues outside of personal control.
  • Upon a decision being made by the purchaser after they are fully satisfied & the total of all costs including shipping/postage have been directly paid into the furnished bank account details.
  • The goods will be dispatched & the purchaser will be notified of a tracking number where applicable.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot control the products from damage or lost during shipping plus the delivery time due to the vastness of Australia.
  •  If you receive an order damaged or not received at all, please let us know at your earliest convenience and we will do all we can to assist.
  • We currently do not ship outside of Australia unless having first notified the costs involved.


Dallas & Josephine Wade opened a Sports Store in West Cessnock New South Wales on the 1st of November 1968 and at that time there were many retailing options that don’t exist today for the small operator -- due to the growth of many Large Stores now specialising in particular consumer areas with quite large stock holdings.

We were able to sell a variety of products in those early years with a focus on Camping, Push Bikes, Toys, Giftware, and Driclad Above Ground Swimming Pools -- as well as those Sporting & Recreational interests that we eventually specialised in.

As we were both members of the Cessnock Tennis Association & I was also a member of the Cessnock District Cricket Association we carried a range of Squash & Tennis Racquets, Cricket Bats, accessories and clothing etc. -- however it was Fishing, Camping, Cricket, Tennis & Firearms that were the fields that we continued to expand & increase our stock holdings.

We also dabbled in Music as Agents for Palings of Newcastle and carried Saddlery and Pet Supplies (Not Food) for a short period in those very early days.

With such a variety of stock we soon outgrew the original store and so in 1976 we moved across the road into the Old West Cessnock Co-Operative Store building which we had purchased a couple of years earlier.

We opened our original store with $2000.00 worth of stock and within 6 - 8 years our Firearms stock holding numbers had grown to (400) -- which was quite sizable for a Country town.

What we set out to do and the manner in which we expanded in those earlier times I am quietly confident would be difficult to tackle these days – setting up a Gun orientated Store & being successful to-day would be far more involved -- with many boxes to tick -- the never - ending changes to the regulations surrounding Firearms are daunting and in many instances are just red tape nightmares with very little positive impact on making the Australian Community a safer place.

The late 1960s saw times that were reasonably stable & opportunities were plentiful – even though Cessnock's future was assured -- the township was moderately isolated with limited infrastructure in transport available to Newcastle & Sydney.

It was in those early years that Cessnock experienced the closing of the Railway Station and the opening of the Sydney to Newcastle freeway.

A good deal of development was taking place with new Suburbs and Shopping Centres opening up throughout the Hunter Valley that changed the whole way in which many retailers operated and the types of products they offered to the Community.

By 1976 our store had become established as a recognised Firearms Outlet and over the next (10) years it became known & accepted as a practical and recognised venue to purchase a Firearm - or to sell a Fox Skin -- as the Aussie Bushman had become a major source in satisfying the demand for the Australian Red Fox Fur worldwide.

In those late years of the 1960s and early 1970s Cessnock still had a number of underground mines and the exodus out of Cessnock by the mining community in December each year had to be seen to be believed – with many campers invading popular coastal caravan parks & camping grounds in large numbers -- Cessnock was transformed almost into a ghost town for approx. 3-4 weeks each Christmas because of this phenomenon.

The hot weather generally experienced in January in Cessnock allowed the opportunity to sell many above-ground Driclad Swimming Pools after Christmas. This came about as a result of the kids wanting to continue the pleasure they enjoyed from holidaying by the water -- whilst they waited to go back to school.

At the time of opening in 1968 the restrictions on owning a Firearm were quite relaxed and one did not need to be an adult to own an Air Rifle – There would be many that consider Australia was a much safer place then than what it is to-day.

Yet to - day one who drives a Transport Truck carrying ammunition needs to be certified as a Dangerous Goods Driver here in New South Wales - which in turn costs the trucking Company involved an extra few hundred dollars to have the driver certified.

These days Air Rifle Pellets are collectively classified as ammunition -- even though the projectile is made generally from lead -- has no explosive primer or powder involved whatsoever -- yet treated within the Law -- just the same as all other ammunition with explosive components as part of the finished product.

I guess the above determination regarding Air Rifle Pellets was considered as Common Sense or was needed in the interest of Public Safety -- it is unfortunate that many of the rules & regulations that have been designed and implemented via the Red & Green Tape supposedly on behalf of Public Safety will have very little positive impact in reality on the safety of the Australian Community.

Like most I thought we lived in Australia -- unfortunately with different State Laws & Regulations -- is it little wonder as Australians we are completely confused -- just as the Covid 19 Pandemic has so frequently exposed -- Australians are at a loss to know where they stand when attempting to enter another State or Territory -- and Firearms Owners are a perfect example with a Firearms Registry with differing laws & regulations in each state.

The questions are posed -- where is the evidence that Australians are receiving money for value -- recently highlighted -- "We are all in this together" -- what a joke -- it would be if it was not so serious.

Over the years there have been many issues - where changes were proposed and implemented resulting in the requirements to remain a Licensed Firearms Dealer or just an ordinary Lawful Firearms Owner here in New South Wales that have made it more difficult – those issues commenced in earnest with the changes proposed at the time of the NSW State Election in 1988.

A precedent was created by the then Premier of NSW when he referred to Law Abiding Firearms Owners as "REDNECKS" – a comment that ignited a response that changed the history of owning a Firearm in Australia forever.

The Premier and his Government's intentions instigated a push back that had never been seen here in NSW or for that matter anywhere else in Australia on behalf of Law - Abiding Firearms Owners.

Thousands of individuals attended meetings and tens of thousands marched on the NSW Parliament in an attempt to have the legal ownership of a firearm retain a platform within society that remained acceptable and encompassed the desired level of respect & fairness.

All would agree that there would not be a single individual within a lawful community that did not want realistic rules & regulations implemented that would always impact positively on their safety.

The Wade Family Store became part of that movement -- the store became the hub & was strongly involved -- organising busloads of lawful individuals to support legal ownership of Firearms -- something that had been an accepted practice & par for the course since day one in the history of this great country.

However, prior to that historic NSW State Election of 1988 -- there had been a number of issues that had an effect on anyone wishing to purchase or own a Firearm legally.

One was the decision to float the Australian Dollar -- whilst it may have been regarded as necessary in many business circles -- it had an enormous effect on the cost of firearms being imported into Australia -- the prices increased dramatically -- almost overnight by some 50 - 80%.

What took place as a result of the floating of the dollar within the importation of firearms -- in my view – could be & should be classified as the most damaging event in the history of lawful ownership of a Firearm in Australia -- It changed the style of Firearm being imported dramatically for the next few years.

With the cost to own even a traditional Bolt Action Rifle by a Law - Abiding individual increased to such an extent that sales of Firearms dropped to a level where many within the industry were struggling to stay involved -- with limited options available they sought other styles & designs of firearms to fill the void created by the change of value in the Australian Dollar.

To compensate for the loss in revenue – a change in direction was implemented – with a massive increase in the numbers of Ex – Military Semi - Auto Rifles being imported into Australia.

I found there were many importers – some that had never imported Rifles previously -- began doing so – why -- because the Firearms were so cheap, they virtually sold themselves – requiring very little to be spent on advertising.

The cheapness of the Ex – Military S/A Rifles was an incentive for many to purchase one even though they had never owned a Firearm previously – and really had no need to own a Firearm then or ever.

I personally conducted a survey via a series of questions --- the findings of that survey revealed without doubt – the purchase was being made on price without any consideration for need or justification.

This personal survey helped me form my decision to not sell Ex - Military Semi Auto Rifles even though they were legal and to present a submission to the NSW Government to have them banned from sale – which did happen a short time later – but not until after the Strathfield massacre.

It has never needed rocket science to know that an Ex – Military Semi – Auto Firearm will in most instances -- be the choice of weapon used by a deranged person wanting to inflict as much human devastation as possible in the shortest possible time frame.

As a result of the NSW State intervention in 1988 – even though those pushing for more restrictive legislation on Firearms Ownership was defeated – the fallout from that encounter plus the floating of the Australian Dollar and the massive increase in the import and ownership of the cheap ex- military rifles led to changes that were having a dampening effect on Firearms Businesses in New South Wales.
For the stance and actions taken by our Family Store & for my personal involvement – our family received a degree of repercussions that were not experienced anywhere else in New South Wales.

The saying goes -- behind “Every Man is a Good Woman” and in my case that is absolutely true – after the fallout from the 1988 Election our business was in tatters, and I went west into the sandy country around Cobar to shoot Rabbits -- sell the carcasses to Butcher Shops & Restaurants and the skins were sold to Akubra at Kempsey for their Hat manufacturing.

Over that time & since the very first day we opened in 1968 -- my wife Josephine remained the life blood of our family store – she kept the doors open by herself whilst I was Rabbit shooting and without her efforts and support – I would not have lasted (50) years as a Firearms Dealer. Josephine remained involved in all facets of the operation within our family store and in that time she had another (2) children -- Shayne & Karen -- With the good fortune of now having (6) grandchildren to enjoy watching develop and grow is something that I am lost for words to describe.

In to - days social environment one would never dream of asking anyone -- let alone a woman to run or hold the fort in a Gun Shop without backup -- she kept the Wade Family Store Flag flying single handed for many months.

She has allowed me to remain connected to a lifelong passion -- even though for the last (15-20) years we have operated as a shadow of our earlier times -- and for her commitment & support I will be forever grateful.

My wife Josephine has allowed me to get to a time in my life where I can “Call it a Day” on my own terms - to terminate something that has kept me active & alert, has allowed me to retain an interest, and kept me involved in a field that was not only my workplace but played a major role in my recreational lifestyle as well.

Yes, one could consider “Our Family’s” involvement in the Firearms Fraternity has been a little different to most – as well as being a retailer, an importer – we have been a player in the “Firearms Task Force” set-up in 1987 to stand against the NSW State Government, organising Buses to rallies and organising polling Booth Operations for several Elections plus being elected to the inaugural Committee of the Shooter Party in both NSW & Australia.

The Shooters Party was launched in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales from the Family Store.

Whilst I could continue to document individual and national issues that we have experienced whilst attempting to stand up for the Law - Abiding Firearms Owner which many would know of and could find them boring – I have eventually come around to attempting to place our leftovers into a very simple website that I am constructing that maybe just maybe have the odd item of interest to somebody somewhere.

I have over many years accumulated a considerable number of items that some would consider of no value -- others will think differently -- THUS the saying "One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure".

As I work through my items that are leftover -- I am sure to find items that even I had forgotten existed and I will be extremely surprised if what I discover will not be of interest to someone.

Like many -- one wonders where the years have gone -- they pass so quickly, and this exercise is taking far longer than I imagined not withstanding being hampered on occasions with a few health issues which are quite natural and par for the course as one enters their late (70's) -- time has becomes the enemy.

Our aim was always to offer a fair and reasonable service to all -- I am hoping we have been able to accomplish that in most instances and whilst we are not open at a physical level to the general public -- all inquiries via email -- phone or snail mail will be treated respectively.

I intended on being here until we can do it no more for those that seek to get suggestions, information -- or to just see what has been tucked away or overlooked -- after having had such a long connection to the firearm industry. We can only hope throughout that lengthy association we have been able to help someone regarding a Firearm Related issue or purchase.

This is not about intruding into the sales areas of other retailers -- it is just about staying in touch, widening the knowledge of our position in calling it a day and eventually -- the clearing of an accumulation of new & older items over a life's journey.

By offering this service -- hopefully we are giving someone an opportunity to obtain some items from yesteryear.

I assume you have heard many times -- the saying "Nothing Remains The Same" -- which leads me to speculate as we move towards "Calling it a Day" some may see or find an item or product from an era that many will never have had the good fortune of experiencing.

How times have changed -- with such descriptive word as "Tactical" being par for the course on Websites and Online stores today -- where in my day as a traditionalist the true Aussie Bushman of the 1960's or 1970's would not have heard such a word.

Which leads me to say "My used by date is definitely up -- times have changed dramatically -- it is a far different world we live in."

As always with warm regards, Dallas & Josephine W

Call us Old Fashion -- However we like to make sure you know exactly what you are getting before you part with your money That is why there is NO AUTOMATIC PAYMENT There are far too many Websites that direct you to the Check - Out almost before the Screen has settled Email: dallas.wade@bigpond.com When you are satisfied we have answered any or all questions you may have -- we will notify our Direct Banking Details along with Shipping costs etc. ALL KNIFE BUYERS MUST BE (18) YEARS OLD  

  • Catherine Street, Cessnock NSW, Australia
  • Not Open to the General Public as such unless referred by a Person who is well known to Dallas Wade
  •  +61-0419 620 559 - Dallas Wade
  •  dallas.wade@bigpond.com
  •  Postal Address is: Catherine Street CESSNOCK NSW 2325 AUSTRALIA However all contact being made -- via Snail Mail -- Email or Phone will be responded to with respect and as soon as possible due to the probability of health or age related issues.

---- If of interest -- then please view this site again as items will continue to be added as events & conditions allow -- Approx. 6-700 items plus 2 -3000 Catalogues - Brochures & Articles will be added -- Unfortunately Age & Health are becoming the enemy more each & everyday. Cheers Dallas W